Covering planting areas with weed prevention mats and ground cover fabrics has become more common in green construction. They result in nearly service-free and weedless green areas. Mats are available for various purposes. They are long-lasting and breathing, allowing water to permeate well. They cause plants to grow better and to have fewer diseases. They also reduce the need for irrigation. Optimal choice for saving in maintenance costs!
Benefits of covered planting areas:
• better growth
• stronger plants
• fewer diseases
• saving water
• minimal maintenance
• significantly reduced maintenance costs
Duration: Our selection includes both UV-resistant and non-UV-resistant weed prevention mats. This means that sunlight dissolves the materials at different rates. UV-resistant mats are often coloured brown or black. A UV-protected mat will usually last for 2 to 6 years. Non-UV-protected mats must be covered immediately after installation. When covered, they will last for years, even up to 15 years.
Material: Most weed prevention mats on the market are either woven or non-woven. The benefit of non-woven mats is that their fibres do not come off of the edges when cutting, making them landscape better. Non-woven fabrics should be thermically processed to give additional protection against weeds growing through. Our selection includes various weed prevention mats, e.g. thermically hot pressed, and patented weed prevention mat made of food-safe plastic Plantex 68g/90g/125g per m² and Weedkiller 120 g per m². We also have the coconut erosion blanket Greenfix 11 with an underlying starch foil to keep weeds away for the first few years of growth. Our selection also includes the Eg Weed UB biomat 157 g/m², which is made of lactic acid polymers and is a 100% organic ground cover fabric!